The Bee Sting Hill Observatory

10'x10' SkyShed Rolloff Roof Observatory
The dream of every amateur astronomer is to have their own permanent observatory. It takes a lot of the hassle out of hauling and setting up massive amounts of equipment for each observing session, which means you're a lot more apt to use your scope more often. It also saves a lot of headaches on those nights where it clouds up, dew forms, or rain moves in. It has been a lifetime dream of mine to have a permanent observatory in a location with dark skies.
My own personal observatory is a 10'x10' SkyShed, which I built myself with the help of my friends in July/August of 2013. The primary scope is a Celestron CGE Pro 1400HD on a German Equatorial mount. To learn more about the construction process and the equipment I use, please visit the associated construction page or equipment page.
My own personal observatory is a 10'x10' SkyShed, which I built myself with the help of my friends in July/August of 2013. The primary scope is a Celestron CGE Pro 1400HD on a German Equatorial mount. To learn more about the construction process and the equipment I use, please visit the associated construction page or equipment page.